Sustainability Series Final: My Learnings

It’s been a year long journey writing these journal entries, with a different topic focus every month.

Through writing the Sustainability Series, I’ve covered a wide scope of topics - weddings, local growers, water usage, vase life, chemically treated flowers and more, and it’s been super valuable. Each one has hopefully educated you as much as it has helped me to understand the world I run Bryonia in.

These pieces will remain on my Journal for you to read and reflect on whenever you’d like to, as always I encourage you to reach out with any thoughts, ideas or questions whenever you like.

To reiterate what I’ve said from the start, these entries are here to help with education, and support in choosing what flowers (or none) might be right for you. To others in the industry, this entry is purely to aid conscious consumption, and I do not wish to place disrespect on your choices to either stock, or not stock any mentioned products.

At this critical point, whether a supplier or customer, we need to question the environmental impact we’re making and it's science we need to go to make these choices.

Thank you to all who have actively participated in this series, through reading, commenting or contributing. And I’m additionally grateful to any sources, evidence or data references, as I couldn’t have written these pieces without your incredible research.


A Florist’s Guide to Lingo


Bryonia’s Autumn Favourites